Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chalk Walk Danbury

"A Time Traveling Giraffe and a Surprised Brontosaurus"
Jessie Katz & Scott Greenberg, 5/30/2009
Winner of Most Original Concept!

Chalk Walk Danbury, hosted by Plaid, was yesterday at the CityCenter green in Danbury. It was a pretty fantastic time! Got to see a couple friends from college that I hadn't seen in a while, make some art with Scott, and watch other artists as well! Not to mention the weather was amazing, perfect for hanging outside and drawing with chalk all afternoon.

My goal was to make someone I didn't know laugh at our art, which we accomplished (numerous times), so all-in-all it was a big success! Plus I love to make kids happy, so this little girl that kept wanting to touch the giraffe was great! A couple other kids walked by and pointed or made comments, so that made me pretty excited too. :)

Plaid sponsored two artists to participate as well. They were both amazing. First there was Ellis Gallagher from Brooklyn. He works fast to trace the shadow of an object, before the sun moves drastically and changes the shadow. It was fun to keep going back to his drawings throughout the day to see how different they looked when the shadows moved positions. He was my favorite—his work was so different from what you expect from a typical chalk artist, which made it really fun to watch and look at. Below are a few images of his work:

The other sponsored artist was  Curtis Goldstein, all the way from Ohio, who drew an amazing 3D looking portrait of Elvis crawling up from a manhole in Danbury. (Notice that its fat old Elvis). Below is his work from yesterday:

Below are a some more photos from the event, enjoy!

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