Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Earrings made from an Old Gift Card!

I was so excited when I created my first pair of these (3 or 4 days ago, the pair pictured above is my second pair). The first ones were a total mash up of colors: the card used was a red Macy's credit card; part of the Visa logo was showing on one earring and the other had part of the Macy's logo. There was a wide variety of beads including freshwater pearls (red, white and dark gray), clear plastic beads, gold ball heads from guitar strings, blue seed beads, and one bead that alone consisted of purple, green, clear and red.

I think that first pair was too complicated...I was excited about the idea of using 'leftover' beads, and just went wild. The design has been refined for my second pair (above), keeping the colors to shades of orange, blue and clear to match the Dave and Busters card used as the main part of the chandelier earring. I'm really excited about these; the shape is classic but the materials make them modern and fun. I hope someone will love wearing them as much as I loved making them! You can find them at jessiekatz.etsy.com.

I plan on continuing to work with this concept of using old gift or credit cards. If anyone out there has some old gift cards and would like to donate them, let me know, I'll pay postage! :)

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